Общая информация
Following 15 years' experience in hotel management, which took Andrew to such places as Abu Dhabi,
Dubai, Antigua, Grand Cayman and his homeland England, Andrew took a degree in Metaphysics with a
college in Missouri, USA, and then gained a teaching qualification in England, before arriving in Omsk in 2004.
Since then, Andrew has developed into a leader in his field – teaching English as a native-speaker – and FMB is
happy to have him both as a teacher/lecturer and a manager of the Russian-American program, which links so strongly
with UNYP – the University of New York (Prague).
Преподавательская деятельность на ФМБ:
Учебные дисциплины:
Business English
Professional English
American History
Рабочий адрес:
644077, г. Омск-77, ул. Нефтезаводская, 11, ОмГУ, ФМБ, каб. 100А
Телефон: (3812) 670.106, факс: (3812) 673.799