About the School
Dean's office


          Since our aim is to train students and graduates to be competitive both in local, national and international markets, international cooperation becomes one of the main trends in the School development. We implement different joint projects with partner institutions in the USA, the UK, the Czech Republic, Australia, Canada, Germany and other countries.
          Within our educational programs in International Business and International Marketing some disciplines are taught in English by professors from leading international Business Schools. The project for hosting international professors as visiting lecturers and researchers for an academic year was initiated by the School and implemented in partnership with the Civic Education Project. Currently, our School tends to employ international lecturers on continuing basis.

          The School implements the following international education programs:

    Russian-American Department

          Dual bachelor degree program in Business Administration with the State University of New York, Empire State College and University of New York in Prague
          Preparation for TOEFL
          Business English

    Russian-German Department:

          Dual bachelor degree program with the University of Vechta, Dresden University of Applied Sciences and Wurzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences
          Short-term (1 month - 1 semester) study programs at German partner universities
          Joint Summer programs with German partner universities
          Advising on educational opportunities in Germany in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

School of International Business Omsk State University
11, Neftezavodskaya Str., 644077 Omsk
Tel./Fax: +7 (3812) 673-799
Contact us
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c 2000 - 2012, Omsk State University


Ru En Ch
De Sp

    Russian-American Program, RAD
   Russian-German Program, RGD
    Russian University in Australia
   Country Catalog "EconRus"